ENABL3D.ME offers both 3D printing and 3D design of bespoke accessibility aids (for manufacture and delivery to your door). The designs can be brand new and entirely unique, or they could be a modification of an existing design (to better fit you and your needs).

Where 3D print materials are unsuitable for the final product, the design and print service can be used for prototyping, before production using traditional manufacturing techniques and materials.

3D Printing

Our 3D print service can be used by anyone wanting to have a 3D design printed and delivered to them (regardless of whether we designed it or not). Obviously our primary focus is on the production of made-to-measure accessibility aids.

If you’d like a quote, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

3D Design

Our 3D design service can be used in two ways…

1. Design Modification

If you’ve seen a design for an accessibility aid in our library (or anywhere elsewhere), but feel like the size or overall design needs some modification to better suit your needs, then we can make those adjustments for you. Once the alterations have been made, you can print the design yourself (if you have a 3D printer), or use any commercial 3D print service (including our own) to have it produced.

2. Bespoke Accessibility Aid Design

Perhaps there’s an accessibility aid that you’ve always dreamt was available? Or maybe you’re simply frustrated by the design of an aid you already use and know exactly what changes you want in order to improve it? We can help.

Get in touch and tell us about your ideas, needs and frustrations. We will work with you to produce a solution that perfectly fits your requirements.

If you can imagine it, it can be made!